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LAB 6 - Video Editing
Friday 4 October 2019 • 23:15 • 0 comments



Discussion :At this lab, i will discuss how to edit video by removing the original sound and insert the new sound into the video. First i must insert all the music or video that i want to combine into the adobe. Drag the videa into the timeline. If i want to change sound i can remove the sound and replace with new sound. I also do some cut on the video and sound the make it more cools. i didnt like the plain and base music. The final image will save in MP4 or WMV file.

Conclusion :
At the end of this lab, I have learnt how to editing the video by repalce the original sound with the new one. I also know how to make the video looks smooth with some element. 


Hi people. I'm Mirah. Thanks for stalking and reading my blog. I appreciate it so much. Please don't be rude and take care of your word. No harsh word and please behave yourself. Copycat please go to hell.


Big Clap!
Owner : MirahPoji
Edited by : AlyaaYasmin
Best View : Google Chrome